106 South Indian, Healthy Vegetarian Home-Style Meals in Fukuoka


Posted on 09 Sep 2021 21:00 in ASKSiddhi独断うまい店 by Yoko Deshmukh

It was like a "welcome home" experience for me.

106 is our all-time favorite place, which servers fair and square South Indian Meals in Fukuoka. The restaurant is all the time popular and crowded with locals who love spices.

After leaving Pune almost a year ago, Siddharth has been missing chapati and decent sambar and rasam recently, so we thought of Rajesh-san, the owner of 106 South Indian restaurant located in the center of Fukuoka City.


It was a beautiful and relaxing dining experience as always, and I started feeling like the excellent place was as if our home we would long for returning. Moreover, I felt particularly auspicious too to be there on the day of Cho-Yo and the day before this year's Ganesha Chaturthi.

Rajesh-san and I have spent almost equal duration, around 20-year, in Japan and India, which are our respective foreign lands, and for me, he is like one of the buddies who might share the good and odd experiences somewhat in the countries we hadn't grown up. I always respect him as a role model and wish him a long, healthy, and fulfilling life and career.

Past Article on 106 South Indian on ASKSiddhi:
Meet Mysore Masala Dosa in Fukuoka at "106," Imaizumi Posted on 30 Apr 2016
Did You Know This Aloo Bonda With Stuffed "Beef Kheema" Posted on 22 Sep 2016
Feeling Like Being Back "Home": Much Needed the "Power of India" Posted on 10 May 2017
Much Needed Dose of Masala!! 106 South Indian in Fukuoka, 2017 Early Winter Edition Posted on 24 Nov 2017

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=== 以下、同掲題メールの転載 ===


1 8月11日,日本政府は,新たな水際対策措置として,8月14日(土)午前0時以降にインドから日本に到着する全ての方に対し,検疫所長の指定する場所(検疫所が確保する宿泊施設に限る)での待機期間をこれまでの10日間から6日間にすると発表しました。8月13日(金)にインドを出発し,14日(土)に日本に到着する場合は,本件措置の対象となります。


2 今回の待機期間変更に伴い,空港からの移動手段,指定施設での待機後の待機場所,空港での海外在留邦人向けワクチン接種の予約を変更する必要がある方は,御注意ください。

電話 ○日本国内からかける場合:03-6633-3237(有料)

メール ryoji@by.mofa.go.jp
=== 転載終わり ==



About the author

Yoko Deshmukh   (日本語 | English)         
インド・プネ在住歴10年以上の英日・日英フリーランス翻訳者、デシュムク陽子(Yoko Deshmukh)が運営しています。2003年9月30日からインドのプネに住んでいます。

ASKSiddhi is run by Yoko Deshmukh, a native Japanese freelance English - Japanese - English translator who lives in Pune since 30th September 2003.

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